Minta Doyle

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Minta Doyle's Guestbook

weirdfaerieFeb 2, 2007

Hey girlie!! Thanks for your GB entry \:D Ja, I been ill \:\( But I'm back now and am determined to re-take over TSR *Giggles evilly* Love your screenies as always!! Downloading them right now. I rarely ever d/l screens but I always do with yours \:D \:D \:D You, vivdmiss and fallen_simangel make the best screenshots ever! \:\) Oh and Tamiam did too but she seems to have disappeared \:P Must have got eaten by a yeti. So, how have you been? Anything new going on? Love your new sims. You should so upload some to MTS2 or something! Takecare TIFA x

StaramimeJan 26, 2007

your avatar is super cute!

weirdfaerieJan 26, 2007

Hey you \:D That dress is gorgeous, I hate it when people don't put a name on their creation... You'd think they would so that people can use it. Darn them... Well, my graphics software is currently being a pain in the butt. But i shall then hopefully be uploading some lipsticks, and then some hair retextures \:\) But I am still reasonably new at it and I have nil confidence in my work! But it will all be unique as I like my creations to be handrawn. It takes a lot more work but I find it more satisfying \:D I need to go and sleep. I feel really ill today \:\( TIFA x

civetinjaJan 25, 2007

Hi! Thanks for commenting my guestbook ! Keep making the very good shots !!!\:\)

fallen_simangelJan 25, 2007

Hey, thank you sooooo much about your comment!\:wub\: ^^ I like your too!^^

weirdfaerieJan 24, 2007

I'm an incredibly curious chick too so no worries \:P As I am so busy I ain't sure when I will get my hair up *Sniffles* Hopefully soon... I adored the new shots of Jade *Stares* I want her dress... And not for my sims, for meee!!! It is wonderfully gothic. Go her! I always find your "song cards" fabby as they introduce me to some really cool songs! Thankies for broadening my horizons \:\) better go, my dinner is calling, byeeeeee TIFA x And take care \:D

weirdfaerieJan 24, 2007

Heylo girlie!!! I hope your okay and having a fantabulous week. I have been rather busy... gah... I have to work... But I wanted to pop by and say howdy so HOWDY!! TIFA x

weirdfaerieJan 21, 2007

And yes, it was my birthday yesterday \:D I am now the grand ole age of 19!!! *Woop* though, I don't feel any older \:confused\: And I certainly don't feel any wiser!! Take care! TIFA x (Sorry I'm not very talkative today I feel poorly \:confused\: Need to sleep :P)

weirdfaerieJan 21, 2007

Thank youuu for the messages and the picture you sent! That hairstyle is soooooooo gorgeous!!! I shall try my best to make it one time, first I need to learn how to mesh though... I am a bit scared to try teehee But I hope to learn soon! theres so many hairstyles I want that aren't available \:\( I'm hoping to retexture some of sunairs hairstyles soon... I think hair is the thing I love to do most \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: I'm glad I've found someone who loves simhair like me \:P take care TIFA x

teshiaJan 20, 2007

oh well thats cool\:rah\:

weirdfaerieJan 19, 2007

Hello Madamoiselle \:P Ooh noooo, I hadn't seen the new XM hair thank you so much for telling me \:D \:D You are always the one to call for hair updates \;\) \:P \:D I really can't wait to learn how to make hair meshes as I have quite a few ideas... But when I do run out of ideas you will have to tell me what hairstyle ideas you have \:D I love taking peoples requests \:\) I know how you feel though. I have barely had any time to go on sims at the moment \:rolleyes: Far too busy!! Not fair \:\( I hope you are okies! Take care! TIFA x *Goes to look at her screenies*

weirdfaerieJan 18, 2007

Hello Madame Minta \:D I am soooo sorry for taking a long time to reply. I have been poorly this week and it has taken me forever to work through my guestbook messages and reply to them. Yours was on the fifth page so it has took me a while seeing as TSR is being a pain at the moment \:mad\: It kept chucking me off and not letting me see images etc. Seems to be working better today though \:\) \:D I hope things have been good for you lately! \:\) I shall have to have a wander over your new screenshots \:D Any new hair findings \;\)? Take care girlie!! TIFA x

MeemoJan 16, 2007

Hi - the hair on your Avatar is great - did you make it?

civetinjaJan 15, 2007

Thanks for commenting my guestbook ! Keep the good work !!!\:\)

buffy29Jan 14, 2007

grazie mille!!!!!spero di vedere qualche tua meravigliosa simmina creata con una mia skin!\:wub\: \:wub\:

weirdfaerieJan 13, 2007

I downloaded the wonderful hair of Jades. It is so gorgeous. I have a tendancy to make more freaky/ugly sims at the moment. I usually make beautiful ones. I cannot stand normal boring simmies \:wub\: I know about the oc, I really enjoyed the first season but then things happened and I never got to see anymore seasons. It was such a shock last week to find out Marissa dies \:\( I was so sad \:o I watch a lot of tv! I am a geek \:o I watch all the soaps and things \:wacko\: But I enjoy things like the OC, charmed and smallville best. I like glamourous or magicky things \:D I hope I get to see the rest of the OC.. Does Seth end up being with Summer? I hope so because they are wonderful together \:wub\: Summer was my favourite character \:\) Take care, TIFA x

weirdfaerieJan 12, 2007

OOH!!! jades had a baby???!!? I shall have to check your screenies in a momento won't I? \:D Yessy, I meant the hair on my background picture \;\) I love XM too so I will have to go and meander their site! Do you like PeggySims? I adore her items. I have subby so get loaaads more gorgeous hairstyles \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: By the way, on your "photos" it says jade is your selfsim? Is she really??? I was looking in the mirror earlier and noticed my hair is gingery auburn now \:eek\: You see, I'm natural reddy brunette, but I bleached it several months back andd yed it pink. The pink has gone and the bleach faded so now it looks really coppery and ginger!! *WOOP* Take care TIFA x

mirkasimsJan 12, 2007

Thank you for commenting on my screenshot! \:D

weirdfaerieJan 11, 2007

I love indie/alternative type music \:D \:D \:D I've heard of modest mouse before so I will definately have to check them out!! My family do love Jade, but not as much as I do!! She is my fave sim ever I think \:rolleyes: May I ask where her hair is from? I love it \:D

Pete789Jan 11, 2007

Love your screenshot the marriage! Nice work / idea! \:rah\:

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